Zhu Dinghong maintenance skills

Zhu Dinghong maintenance skills :

After the flowering of Zhu Dinghong, I have to cut off the peduncle in time. Because this stage of the flowering is mainly to raise the bulbs, so that they fully absorb the nutrients, let the bulbs grow and produce new bulbs, and cut off the stems to concentrate the nutrients on the bulbs. After flowering management, in addition to the appropriate reduction in watering, it should also be noted that the basin soil can not accumulate water, so as to avoid rotten bulbs. After the flower, it is still necessary to apply the cake fertilizer water for about 20 days to promote the enlargement of the bulb and germination of new bulbs. After moving into the greenhouse after November, the fertilizer can be stopped and the watering can be controlled to keep the bulbs from drying out.

Water: Keep the plants moist and water to be thorough. But avoid excessive water and poor drainage. Generally indoor air humidity can be.

Fertilizer: Hi fat. During the growth period, the fertilizer is applied once every half month with the growth of the leaves. The fertilization is stopped at the flowering stage, and the fertilization is continued after the flowering. The phosphorus and potassium fertilizers are mainly used to reduce the nitrogen fertilizer, and the fertilization can be stopped at the end of autumn. Potted plants can add some superphosphate as a base fertilizer.

Soil: It is required to contain sandy loam with abundant organic matter. It is required to drain well and avoid heavy soil.

Temperature: It can be cold and dry during the winter dormancy period. The growth temperature is 5 ° C - 10 ° C.

Light: Hi sunshine, you can direct the right amount of direct sunlight, not too long. It should be placed in front of the window where the light is bright, the ventilation is good, and there is no direct light.

Reproduction: ball, sowing, cutting bulbs and tissue culture can be used. Mainly divided by the ball. In the spring of February to March, the ball collected last year was sorted out, the ball around the cue ball was peeled off, the roots were cut off, and the roots were cultivated after drying for two days. The ball should be planted shallowly, so that 1/3-1/2 is in the soil. on. After the basin is watered for 1 time, after the new leaves are sent, water is poured again. After the leaves are removed, the residual leaves should be cut off in time, and after the autumn and winter, they should be wilted, and the bulbs should be picked up on a sunny day to keep the air flowing and cool. Indoor storage.

Dormancy maintenance: Zhuding red bulbs are dormant in winter, and the dormancy period is about 60 days. If the dormancy period is well maintained, it can be germinated for another year.

Zhu Dinghong should pay attention to the following problems during the dormancy period:

1 Strictly control the watering. As mentioned in the previous section, the amount of watering during winter should be at least able to maintain the bulbs without wilting, otherwise the bulbs are prone to deterioration.

2 Strictly control room temperature. That is, the indoor section maintains a temperature of about 10 degrees. When the temperature is lower than 5 degrees, the bulb is susceptible to freezing. When the humidity is higher than 15 degrees, it hinders its dormancy and affects the flowering of the leap year.

3 small bulbs that are separated from the potting soil can be hidden in sand with a water content of about 10%.

By the end of December or the beginning of January, you can pour a permeable water in the basin to wake it out of dormancy. After a week, apply a thin calcium superphosphate liquid fertilizer. At this time, the room temperature can be increased to about 16 degrees. Germination, early flowering.

Note after flowering: the top part of the fruit after the flowering of the red flower, and the long bulb of the underground part. In order to make the bulbs grow full, strong and full of seeds, attention should be paid to the maintenance at this time:

1 fertilization. After flowering, the liquid fertilizer should be applied 1-2 times. The fertilizer should be compound fertilizer, or phosphorus and potassium fertilizer should be added to promote the growth of bulbs and seeds.

2 moisture. It is not necessary to water frequently, and the substrate is preferably dried.

3 Potted red buds should be moved to a semi-yin, well-ventilated cool environment for conservation.  

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