EU strengthens restrictions on the export of some chemical products

The European Parliament in Strasbourg on the 27th adopted a legislative resolution to amend the EU's export regulations in order to strengthen the EU countries to export so-called "dual-use products and technology" inspection restrictions.

According to the European Parliament, these "dual-use products and technologies" refer to products and technologies that can be used by civilians and people, including chemical products, communication equipment or software.

Previously, EU countries did not need EU approval to export such products, and member states could decide to check their exports.

In addition, the resolution also prohibits the export of "dual-use products and technologies" to countries that are subject to sanctions imposed by the European Council, the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe or the United Nations arms embargo.

The resolution requires the European Commission to submit annually to the European Parliament an annual report on the export of such products and technologies in order to strengthen the European Parliament’s supervision of export approval procedures.

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