Five strokes of feng shui arrangement cut off her husband's peach blossom

Five strokes feng shui arrangement cut off her husband's peach blossom

First, the 2011 Fleeting Peach Blossoms fell in the West, and there was a Zodiac constitutional peach blossom. The tigers, horses, and dogs had peach blossoms in the east, and the monkeys, monkeys, and rats were in the West. They were pigs, The peaches of rabbits and sheep are located in the north; those of snakes, chickens and cattle are located in the south. So be sure to pay attention to the placement of flowers. As these places can not put bright things, not flowers, can not put a vase, because these peaches are easy to attract peach.

Second, if you have committed a peach this year, you can put peach swords on these positions to get rid of peach blossoms. The first thing you need to do is to remove these things that can attract the peach blossoms, and then put the peach wood sword on the peaches of the Fringe Peach. Second, place it on the order of the constitutional peach. You can also put a pair of gold scissors or a metal display.

3. If your friend who needs to deal with the opposite sex because of work, don't put red items or something related to Shuimu in Peach Blossoms, but it is not recommended to put Fenghuo Sword like strong feng shui phlegm items. Because the peach is also the host, breaking the peach is not good for the cause, you can put the cactus in the west.

Fourth, it is best to remind you who in the workplace should also use good feng shui to resolve. With euphemism, he was reminded not to put wood and vases in the office and put them all together. Such things as daffodils and rich bamboos are common things that are easy to evoke peach blossoms. And also avoid wearing red or pink series in the dress, which will stimulate the potential of peach.

Fifth, to exercise her husband's ability to resist temptation, of course, first of all, you must have enough charm to attract your husband. As long as you are good enough, no husband is not willing to go home. Even if I can't go home, I will try my best to go home.

Marriage Feng Shui Love Feng Shui Small House Decoration Feng Shui Rich Bamboo Arrangement Office Feng Shui Vase

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